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How Serious is the Brain Injury Problem in Football?

March 23, 2023

Football Injuries

Football, which is known as the beautiful game worldwide, can sometimes cause dangerous injuries. Although injuries are part and parcel of every sport, brain injuries can turn out to be horrible.

In football, injuries can happen during the game and also while training for the game. The main cause of football injuries is a combination of bumps, slips and trips. Running is integral to football and thus can cause problems with the leg, knee and related parts of the body. Muscles and bones are at risk of being injured. Concussions and brain damage are common injuries due to the constant heading of the ball.

Common Football Injuries

Before discussing how serious is brain injury in football, find out the most common football injuries that affect the players.

1-Leg Sprain

2-Ankle Sprain

3-Knee sprain

4-Calf Strain

5-Foot Fracture

6-Wrist Fracture


8-Groin Pulls

9-Cartilage Tear

10-Meniscal Tear

Few of the other football injuries are discussed in detail.

Traumatic Injuries

Football knee injuries are the most common type of injury that affects football players everywhere. More specifically, doctors believe that Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) and Posterior Cruciate Ligament (PCL) injuries affect players the most and keep them away from the game for a long time. The surfaces on which football is played plus the different motions make players prone to this type of injury. All these factors make knee injury the most traumatic injury in football.

Besides the football leg injury, cuts, bruises and tears, as a result of tackles and collisions, are common.

Weather-induced Injuries

In some places, weather-induced factors can cause injuries to football players, especially young players. For instance, extremely hot temperatures can deprive young footballers of necessary water and salt. The physical activity involved can cause injuries and other conditions such as cramping, pain, strokes etc.


Concussions are, by and large, the worst football injuries that impact players. Concussions affect different people differently. Sometimes it can make the player unconscious, while other times, it won’t. A few of the signs of concussion are headaches, dizziness, nausea, numbness, blurred vision etc. This is the reason why players must return to the game only under the guidance of medical experts and their approval.Brain Injuries in Football

The main cause of concern is the heading of the ball in the football, which may or may not cause brain injury or damage. Several studies have been done to study the effects of heading on football players. Here are a few of the observations made.

In a few cases, when the ball travels at a specific speed, heading by the player can lead to a concussion. This is known as a mild form of Traumatic Brain Injury. As discussed before, symptoms can accompany concussions, and they may not go away easily. For example, some patients may experience difficulty in paying attention, remembering and thinking. Many players recover from a concussion in some days, while others take a few weeks.

Another observation is that football injuries such as a combination of heading, collision and falling can cause brain damage or injury. One of the reports shows that too much heading caused changes in brain functions. The evidence for linking heading and brain injury is not conclusive.

However, it is important to note that in case anyone suffers from a concussion, seek the help of medical experts immediately. There shouldn’t be any compromise regarding it.

How to Recover from Football Injuries?

Depending on the severity of the football injuries, recovery will vary for football players. Here are some top tips to recover from injuries and return to the game you love.

First of all, reduce the playing time, even if it is a minor brain injury or concussion. Make the recovery gradually under the expert supervision of the doctor.

In case of minor football injuries, take immediate actions in the form of reducing pressure, applying ice and elevating the injured area of the body.

Always seek the help of doctors for physical therapy and follow the advice to make the recovery faster.

Orthopaedics Hospital in Thane 

Pinnacle Orthocentre is one of the leading, trusted and well-known orthopaedics hospitals in Thane. The highly-qualified team of expert doctors provide world-class treatment using advanced technology and the latest procedures. The efficient team of nurses and compassionate staff makes Pinnacle Orthocentre one of the best knee replacement surgery hospitals in Thane

For more details, contact us at any time. Book an appointment today!

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